Boyz On Da Run (2006)
Animated short series created and written by Rob Reger and Brian Brooks.
Boyz On Da Run is a series of three animated short episodes aired on Disney Channel in the later 2000s. Created and written by Rob Reger and Brian Brooks. Watch all 3 episodes on YouTube, 12 min total length. [Link opens in a new tab]
Cool Coloring Books (2014-2015)
Cool Coloring Books are a series of coloring books by Brian Brooks. are available for purchase on Amazon
What If? (2013-2015)
A series of poetic questions with simple illustrations. If used correctly they can open a whole universe into new ways of thinking outside of the box, all by asking really stupid clever questions.
What If? Volumes 1 – 3 by Brian Brooks are available for purchase on Amazon.
Early Emily The Strange Designs (1999-2002)
Morrissey Gets A Job (1999)
Haunted House During The Day (1999)
Rock N Roll Coloring Books (1995-2000)
Radd & Badd Tattoo Flash (2013)
A series of watercolors drawn with pen & ink and colored with watercolor paint on watercolor paper.