Plein Air Drawing Tools

Plein Air Drawing | Construction Documentation Series

48 (of 50) Kasper’s Restoration Drawings completed in the fall of 2022.
Kasper’s Hot Dogs Site Plan Illustration From Field Survey

Graphic Design | Survey | Telegraph Avenue Road Redesign Documentation Illustration Project

Telegraph Avenue Redesign Draft 10-21-2020, Brian Brooks

The goal of this project is to map a 1/4 mile section of the recently repaved and redesigned Telegraph Avenue. I am about 1/3 done with this project.

My field notes are taken on index cards. I tend to draw the scene, then measure the feet, using my feet, and walking toe-to-toe. My 12″ shoes are “perfect” as one might say.

I am able to count off feet by just taking steps. My notes are either in feet and fractions there of, or in feet and inchese – I can use the 4″x6″ index card as a sight-measurement.

Once I take these notes home, comes the tedious work of deciphering my notes and turning this information into a clean vector art map.

Plein Air Drawings | Surveying (2020)

Surveys of “Kasper’s Plaza”,  creating a technical drawing by surveying the area using a grid overlayed onto a index card. July, 2020. Other surveying drawings were done at Hooper’s Chocolates Lot and McDonald’s as well.

Plein Air Drawings | Surveying | Hooper’s Lot & McDonald’s north Parking Lot | Telegraph Avenue At 56th Street
August 2020- July 2020

Hoopers Lot map

4 index cards with 1/2 in. grids overlayed in pencil, with survey drawings in ball point pen.

Plein Air Drawings | Sidewalk Changes (2020) | Telegraph & Shattuck Avenues 45th – 46th Streets

Selection of drawings of sidewalk construction, including the documentation of a BB who signed the cement in what we can only assume was 1977 – 43 years of having their initials embedded in the cement of the sidewalk on the northeast corner of 46th Street and Shattuck Avenue. May- June, 2020.

Temescal Wash & Dry Parking Lot, Telegraph Avenue & 49th Street (2019)

Temescal Wash & Dry Parking Lot and Surrounding Sidewalk, Acrylic paint on watercolor paper, 9 X 12 in. East side of Telegraph, south of 49th Street, Oakland. Plein air painting, April 2019

Plein Air Drawings | Surveying (2020)

Surveys of “Kasper’s Plaza”,  creating a technical drawing by surveying the area using a grid overlayed onto a index card. July, 2020. Other surveying drawings were done at Hooper’s Chocolates Lot and McDonald’s as well.

Plein Air Drawings | Sidewalk Changes (2020)

Selection of drawings of sidewalk construction, including the documentation of a BB who signed the cement in what we can only assume was 1977 – 43 years of having their initials embedded in the cement of the sidewalk on the northeast corner of 46th Street and Shattuck Avenue. May- June, 2020.

Survey & Map of Bougainvillia In The Neighborhood by Emily Wick & Brian Brooks (2019)

Bougainvillia Distribution* in the Temescal Neighborhood, Oakland, California by artists Emily Wick & Brian Brooks
* As viewable via public streets and sidewalks. Survey taken 2019. Map Draft 10/17/2019