Plein Air Filmmaking | Video Series (2022)

I have been creating short time-lapse films around the neighborhood for five years. They are silent films with electronic soundtracks. Sometimes I am the subject, documenting myself drawing a construction site, other times I interact with the surroundings and add humorous sound effects during the editing process.
Short Film Series | Drawing Kasper’s Restoration August – November 2022
Short Film Series | Hooper’s Loopers
October 2022
In 2018 as a daily challenge to make a short film every evening. in the same empty lot. I developed a lot of reoccuring “routines” such as snapping my beret which cause funny spring like noises, or using a tape loop noise every time I spin in a circle. In this way I become the conductor of a soundscape.
I begin and end each video in front of an old side door. The videos are conceived to loop, as the popular trend at the time in social media was replaying the same video when it was finished.
Short Films | Document Video Projects (2021)

Short Films | Middle Of The Road Drawings By Brian Brooks (2021)
Short Films | Bus Stop Build-Out Construction Drawing With Brian Brooks (2021)
Video documentary with original soundtrack by artist Brian Brooks capturing the different steps in the construction of a bus stop build out on Telegraph Avenue and 45th Street. Series includes seven episodes.
Videos are hosted on my Vimeo page.
Plein Air Filmmaking | Hooper’s Chocolates Lot, Telegraph Avenue & 46th Street (2019)

Hooper’s Loopers (2019)
Ongoing series featuring an artist challenging himself to do something interesting in an empty lot. Filmed in the back lot of the vacant Hooper’s Chocolates building on the east side of Telegraph Avenue & 46th Street.

Shine Hunters (2019)
Short film series featuring Brian and artist Emily Wick in search for reflected shines around their neighborhood. 7 Episodes. Total runtime 7 minutes.

The Chair (2018)
Featuring an artist and his daily meetings with a well-used discarded broken plastic chair. Filmed along Shattuck Avenue between 46th Street and 47th Street.

The Sleeper (2018)
Framed as the wake cycle of an artist who fills his time interacting with the corner of a building and the features of the sidewalk before racing back to sleep before the sun goes down. Filmed on the south east corner of Shattuck Avenue and 47th Street.